Due to the Federal Privacy Act 1988, we require your written consent to collect personal information about you. This practice collects your information in order to identify your medical record and provide an accurate, quality health service. Please read this information carefully and sign where indicated below.
We require
you to provide us with your personal details and a full medical history so that we may properly assess, diagnose and treat you. We collect information about you including but not limited to: your name, address, date of birth, email and contact details; Medicare number, DVA number and other government identifiers; Other health information including notes of your symptoms, diagnoses and treatments, specialist reports, appointment and billing details, your prescriptions and pharmaceutical purchases, your healthcare identifier, and information about your race, sexuality or religion within the context of your health service.
We may need to collect information from third parties where the Privacy Act or other law allows it, and this may include but is not limited to previous doctors, health care workers, pathology or x-ray services, hospitals, the MyHealth Record system, electronic prescription services, Medicare, your health insurer, the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, for the primary purpose of providing quality healthcare. This means that we will use the information you provide in the following ways:
Best assess your health care needs and provide medical treatment.
Administration purposes in running our practice. We may need to contact you using phone numbers provided by you. We may need to send documents, pathology and radiology referrals or letters to the email address provided by you.
Billing purposes and debt collection, including compliance with Medicare and Health Insurance Commission requirements.
Disclosure to others involved in your care, including treating doctors, specialists and hospital booking staff outside this practice. This may occur through referral to other doctors, surgery at hospitals, for medical tests and in the reports or results returned to us following the referrals.
Collection of data for research purposes. This information is used to improve our treatment protocols, which will enable us to improve our quality of care. The data is kept in a secure manner and only staff involved in the research has access to them. You may be contacted at some time in the future for follow up purposes. No information that can be used to identify you will be included in any publication of the research results. You may withdraw from the research at any time.
For legal related disclosures as required by a court of law.
To comply with any legislative or regulatory requirements, for example, notifiable diseases or child protection legislation.
If you have a My Health Record, to upload your personal information to, and download your personal information from, the My Health Record system.
Accreditation and quality assurance activities to improve individual and community health care and practice management.
You may be contacted for follow up in the future to ensure the follow up of any medical conditions.
You have the right to see any health information we hold about you as well as the ability to correct any details that are not accurate.